Monday, September 27, 2010

Getting Prepared and Having Peace of Mind

October 2010

OCTOBER PREPAREDNESS: Lights and Communication: Light sticks, Headlamps, Flashlights, Crank Lights/Radios, Weather Radio. Check out the

RS Bulletin Board for some inexpensive finds to get you started.

Communication is not only about being able to reach family members but having a plan. Our new Communication Specialist, Rob Soelberg will be sharing a great Family Emergency Plan with us in the near future. Be sure to watch for it!

Did you try the 10 Minute Evacuation Challenge posted on the RS Bulletin Board? If you want to see just how important it is, go to: (an EXCELLENT RESOURCE WEBSITE) and click on 72 hour kits on the right hand column under categories. Watch the “Evacuation: 10 Minute Challenge.” A plan can make all the difference.

FOOD FOR THOUGHT: Getting an emergency kit is just the beginning. Just as important to physical preparation is the need to get your children mentally and emotionally prepared. The first step to accomplishing this is to include them in your emergency plan. The more prepared they are personally the easier it’ll be for them to handle the real thing. FEMA has an incredible resource for getting kids ready for an emergency. In fact, they’ve devoted a section of their site for helping children get ready. It’s interactive, including different activities that help children take a hands approach to helping the family get ready. You can check it out here:


· LAST CANNERY DATE FOR THE YEAR: Wed., Oct. 6, 6 pm – 8 pm

· Hygiene Kits, Make Your Own Laundry Soap for Pennies, Learn How to Make Rolls From Scratch at the Oct. 27th Enrichment

Did You Know: October General Conference is a great time to sit down and go through your 72-hour packs and replace expired medicines and out grown clothes, add something new, or just get started with a backpack. At the April Conference, consider allowing your family to enjoy their 72-hour Food Kits and then make it a family activity to replenish them. Your children will love being a part of this learning event and will look forward to them each Conference.

CERT Training Tips: CELOX (stops bleeding in 30 seconds), Water Jel (takes burn pain away and even helps severe burns begin to heal), Weather Radio (a must), Kitty Litter (a safe toxic clean up material), Duct Tape (invaluable), Flats of Bottled Water (more practical for grab and go-1 flat of bottles/person).

Recipe of the Month: Soup for the Spirit

Watch all 4 Sessions of Conference to nourish your soul and renew your spirit! Enjoy!